
Week 13-14-15


  • To bring up all the knowledge

  • do proper choices in for sensor

  • define own functions

  • interact with the environment (mobile phone etc)

  • showing them the ability of doing a whole project by themself

  • let them expand their knowledge

  • 3 groups, each group 4-5 people

  • Choose one group leader


  • Arduino Board

  • Button

  • Cables

  • Breadboard

  • Potentiometer

  • Resistors

  • LED

  • OLED

  • wheels

  • links and chasis parts

  • servos


  • Ex: Show BT control, Joystick control, mini manipulator with 4 servo

Remote Controlled Robot Arm

There are varions ways. If it is not automatic you need to control. Self-driving cars are completely different concept.

Bluetooth Controlled

Move robot joints via your mobile phone.

Joystick Controlled

Move robot joints via joystick.

Mini 3-Dof manipulator

I will provide the servos for you. Design your own manipulator